
Unit 2: Canada the Good? Anti-Black Racism in Canadian History

Week 4 – Day 2 – Exploring Anti-Blackness in Canadian History: From Slavery to Segregation

Today is a LIVE class day! We will be meeting in our Virtual Classroom on Blackboard. See you there!





Today we will discuss what we have learned about slavery in Canadian history, key historical figures in Canada (vs. the U.S.A.), and address the effect of accepting the notion of “Canada the Good”.

We will also examine specific Jim Crow laws within Canada, and consider the following questions:

  • What is the intention of this law?
  • How does this law uphold whiteness?
  • What was this law important to the social order at the time?

Required Material

  • Robyn Maynard, Policing Black Lives
    • Chapter 1 (pages 17-33)
  • Katz, D. (1949). Jim Crow Lives in Dresden. Maclean’s. [link]