
Unit 1: Introduction to the Course: Anti-Black Racism in Canada

Week 3 – Day 2 – Dismantling Anti-Black Racism in Canadian Schools

Today is a LIVE class day! We will be meeting in our Virtual Classroom on Blackboard. See you there!




Our discussion today will revolve around anti-Black racism within Canadian schools, and how to dismantle these oppressive systems. Please read the following two articles before class to help prepare for our discussion.

Required Material

  • Munroe, T. (2021). How to curb anti-Black racism in Canadian schools. The Conversation.[link]
  • Munroe, T. (2021). Dismantling anti-Black racism in our schools: Accountability measures are key. The Conversation. [link]
this is a screenshot of an infographic from the anti-Black Racism Task Force Report at the University of Windsor. For the full text, follow the link in the caption, and go to page 10.
Historical Overview of Anti-Black Racism in Canadian Education. An accessible version of this can be found on page 10 of the ABR Task Force Report at the following link: https://www.uwindsor.ca/antiblackracism/sites/uwindsor.ca.antiblackracism/files/10453_abr_task_force_report_6.pdf

In-Class Discussion Questions

  • It’s common for us to think of police violence when we think of anti-Black racism. Can you infer why we don’t think of the educational system as easily?
  • What do we mean when we say that race is a social construction that is real in its consequences?
  • Think about your own racial narrative. What privileges and disadvantages affected your experience in school? How do those experiences reflect the world around us?
  • Canada is often understood as a nation of racial benevolence and tolerance. How has your learning in this unit challenged that narrative?
  • What does it mean when we say Black communities in Canada are not and have never been monolithic?

Required Assessment!

Quiz #1: Anti-Blackness in Education

This is the first graded quiz for our course. You will complete a total of 6 quizzes, with your top 4 each worth 5% of your total grade.

Navigate to your LMS course site and locate Quiz #1 to begin. You will have 30 minutes to complete this.


Additional Resources

University of Windsor Anti-Black Racism Task Force. (2021). Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report and Recommendations. University of Windsor. [link]