Unit 1: Introduction to the Course: Anti-Black Racism in Canada
Week 3 – Day 2 – Dismantling Anti-Black Racism in Canadian Schools
Today is a LIVE class day! We will be meeting in our Virtual Classroom on Blackboard. See you there!
Our discussion today will revolve around anti-Black racism within Canadian schools, and how to dismantle these oppressive systems. Please read the following two articles before class to help prepare for our discussion.
Required Material
Munroe, T. (2021). How to curb anti-Black racism in Canadian schools. The Conversation.[link]
- Munroe, T. (2021). Dismantling anti-Black racism in our schools: Accountability measures are key. The Conversation. [link]

In-Class Discussion Questions
- It’s common for us to think of police violence when we think of anti-Black racism. Can you infer why we don’t think of the educational system as easily?
- What do we mean when we say that race is a social construction that is real in its consequences?
- Think about your own racial narrative. What privileges and disadvantages affected your experience in school? How do those experiences reflect the world around us?
- Canada is often understood as a nation of racial benevolence and tolerance. How has your learning in this unit challenged that narrative?
- What does it mean when we say Black communities in Canada are not and have never been monolithic?
Required Assessment!
Quiz #1: Anti-Blackness in Education
This is the first graded quiz for our course. You will complete a total of 6 quizzes, with your top 4 each worth 5% of your total grade.
Navigate to your LMS course site and locate Quiz #1 to begin. You will have 30 minutes to complete this.
Additional Resources
University of Windsor Anti-Black Racism Task Force. (2021). Anti-Black Racism Task Force Report and Recommendations. University of Windsor. [link]