
Unit 4: Empowering Bystanders Against Anti-Black Racism

Week 10 Outline

You have a quiz this week!
Topic: Racial Disparities in Healthcare
Remember to submit before Friday at 5pm





This week, we will begin to build our bystander skills and explore the ways in which we can intervene against anti-Black racism.

On Day 1 (Asynchronous) : you will watch two videos, listen to one podcast, and read a series of short articles.

On Day 2 (Synchronous):  we will come together to discuss the responsibility to intervene, and explore microaggressions.

Topics to be explored

  • not racist vs. anti-racist
  • microaggressions
  • duty to intervene
  • bystander intervention

Self-Care Reminder!

cartoon of a brown woman wearing a head piece and hugging herself Remember to pay attention to your mind and body as you navigate the various components of this course (and your life). Take care of yourself in ways that work for you.

This week, we will listen to a podcast about George Floyd. You are encouraged to take breaks, or to refrain from listening if that is best for you.