
Unit 1: Introduction to the Course: Anti-Black Racism in Canada

Week 1 Outline

You have an ePortfolio submission this week!
Topic: Racial Narrative
Remember to submit before Friday at 5pm







This week we will get to know one another, begin to establish norms and expectations for our time together, and orient ourselves to the course and its related technologies. Once we have the chance to meet and situate ourselves in the course, we will begin examining the foundation of anti-Black racism by exploring the social construction of the concept of ‘race’. You will then be asked to complete your first ePortfolio reflection, where you will critically evaluate your own racial socialization and ways internal perspectives about “race” influence your relationships and experiences.

On Day 1 (Synchronous) : we will come together to introduce ourselves and prepare for the semester ahead. We will work together to set up our ePortfolios and explore the system so you are ready for your first submission at the end of this week.

On Day 2 (Synchronous):  we will come together the trace the pseudo-scientific invention of the biological concept of  ‘race’ and how this concept was used to expand European colonization and justify the enslavement of people from Africa and the subjugation Black people.  This discussion will allow us to meaningfully understand the genesis of the idea of ‘race’ and the propagation of the Black “other”.

You will read:

  • Robyn Maynard, Policing Black Lives
    • Introduction
  • Eternity Martis, They Said This Would Be Fun
    • Introduction
    • All I Wanted Was to Be Wonder Woman
  • DasGupta, N., Shandal, V.  Shadd, D., and  Segal, A. and in conjunction with CivicAction. (December 14, 2020). The Pervasive Reality of Anti-Black Racism in Canada: The current state, and what to do about it [link]
You will complete:
  • ePortfolio Reflection #1 (Racial Narrative) assignment

Topics to be explored:

  • ‘Building the Container’
  • Effective Listening and Discussion Skills
  • The Social Construction of “Race”
  • Anti-Black Racism in Canada
  • The process of racialization

Self-Care Reminder!

We will be exploring some difficult topics (colonialism, slavery, anti-Black racism).
  • It is important for you to do what you need to do to care for yourselves.
  • You are encouraged to actively attend to your care. If you need to, take a break, get a drink, stretch, listen to music, call a friend.
  • Do what you need to do to care for yourself.