
About this Course

Community Agreement

[here is where the instructor can put and “living” agreement once developed with the class.]

Example (adapted from Queersmart by Qmunity):

In an effort to maintain a safe and welcoming environment, we ask that you follow these guidelines, developed together in our community:

Together, We Know A Lot

Alone, we do not know it all.

One Student, One Mic

One person speaks at a time.

Don’t Yuck my Yum

Be curious and respectful of opinions and perspectives different than your own.

Assume Best Intent

This is a space to learn, and sometimes that means making mistakes.

Lean Into Discomfort

That’s how we learn!

Las Vegas Rule

What we learn here, leaves here.
What we say here, stays here.

Shake, No Shout

Silence or turn off your electronic devices

Take Space, Make Space

Include your voice and make space for other voices to be heard.

Self Care

Take care of yourself, however that may look.