Unit 3: Confronting Systemic Anti-Black Racism in Canada

Week 9 Outline

You have an ePortfolio submission this week!
Topic: The White Gaze
Remember to submit before Friday at 5pm






The purpose of this unit is to actively problematize the imposition of whiteness in Canada. The aim is to bring light to the implications of imposed whiteness and the harm it imposes on Black Canadians. Through the readings and discussions, you will come to understand how the white gaze – as a tool of white supremacy – has constructed Blackness in direct opposition to whiteness. With this understanding, the white gaze will be connected to the white saviour complex and blackface to analyze its presence in these cases.

On Tuesday, you will

On Thursday, we will

Topics to be explored:

  • White Gaze
  • White Saviour Complex
  • Blackface

Self-Care Reminder

Briggs, A. Q., & Clarke, W. (2020). How afrofuturism gives Black people the confidence to survive doubt and anti-Blackness. The Conversation.  Available at: https://theconversation.com/how-afrofuturism-gives-black-people-the-confidence-to-survive-doubt-and-anti-blackness-130974


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