

Welcome! We are excited to be on this learning journey with you.

This resource is a comprehensive guide on how business educators, staff, and students can use Artificial Intelligence tools to actively transform the way business education is delivered and experienced. This interactive e-book integrates a blend of foundational knowledge and practical applications of AI in business education.  

Intended Learning Objectives

By the end of this e-book, learners will…

  1. Possess a robust understanding of the functionalities and potentials of AI tools.
  2. Be able to integrate AI tools into course design and delivery, enriching the learning experience.
  3. Employ strategies to ensure that AI use remains diverse, equitable, and inclusive.
  4. Be equipped to prepare business cases that resonate with real-world challenges, fostering a more applied and relevant student learning experience.

A Note on Navigation and Accessibility

This course is built in Pressbooks, an open-access educational platform supported by eCampus Ontario. To navigate throughout this course, you should familiarize yourself with these features:

We have made every effort to ensure this course is accessible to all possible learners. This includes making use of:

  • closed captions on all videos
  • alternative text on images, graphics, and other media
  • high contrast colours and fonts
  • accessible formatting for headings, tables, and other HTML features

If you have any accessibility needs that we have not included, please reach out to DeGroote’s Teaching and Learning Services team at dsbEdDev@mcmaster.ca and we would be happy to accommodate these requirements to the best of our ability.




Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Business Education Copyright © by DeGroote Teaching and Learning Services Team; Jammal Dell; Irina Ghilic, Ph.D.; and Amy Pachai, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.