Book Title: Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Business Education

Book Description: This interactive e-book serves as a guide for business educators, staff, and students, emphasizing the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business education. It includes foundational knowledge about AI, practical applications in course design and delivery, strategies for ensuring diversity, equity, and inclusivity in AI use, and guidance for creating business cases that mirror real-world challenges.
Book Information
Book Description
This resource was developed by the Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) team at the DeGroote School of Business to bridge the gap between emerging generative technologies and business education. Recognizing the rapid evolution of AI and its significant impact on various industries, including education, our team aimed to create a resource that not only imparts theoretical knowledge but also offers practical tools for integrating AI into the curriculum. Our goal is to equip educators and students with the skills to utilize AI effectively, fostering an inclusive, diverse, and ethically responsible approach to business education. This e-book also supports our commitment to teaching innovation, inclusivity, and community collaboration, ensuring that our practices remain at the forefront of modern business education. This resource is a testament to our team’s extensive experience in online educational resources and our philosophy of curiosity, experimentation, and innovation. We believe this guide will be a valuable addition to the Open Library, hopefully helping students and educators navigate and leverage the potential of AI in business education.
Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Business Education Copyright © by DeGroote Teaching and Learning Services Team; Jammal Dell; Irina Ghilic, Ph.D.; and Amy Pachai, Ph.D. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Artificial intelligence