7 High School Panel


Module 1: The ADHDe Project

Key Learning Objectives Include:

  • Participants will learn about the project and its goals.
  • Introduce the EnAbling Change program
  • Introduce the AODA

Slide 4 Script: Who We Are

The ADHDe Project is a student-led initiative that promotes inclusion and respect for students (especially those at the post-secondary level) who have been diagnosed with ADHD or identify as neurodiverse. This project was created to destigmatize ADHD and neurodiversity on campus, provide students with resources and support, and promote a welcoming environment at the University of Windsor. We recognize how difficult navigating university life can be for anyone, and sometimes more so for students who identify as neurodiverse or have ADHD. The ADHDe Project was produced by The University of Windsor and The Learning Disabilities Association of Windsor Essex with support from the Government of Ontario.

Slide 5 Script: What’s With The E?

The name The ADHDe Project represents the three “e’s” of our mission; education, equity and empowerment. We believe that by amplifying the voices of people with ADHD we will be able to create a more inclusive and accessible campus.

Slide 6 Script: The EnAbling Change Program

The ADHDe Project was made possible by a grant from The EnAbling Change Program. The goals of the EnAbling Change Program are to encourage education about accessibility and encourage awareness about its benefits.

The EnAbling Change Program is a grant program run by the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility. Thanks to the support from the EnAbling Change Program, The ADHDe Project was able to become a University wide accessibility initiative.

Slide 7 Script: Accessibility Regulations

Every post secondary institution in Ontario is required to adhere to certain accessibility standards. Knowing that these regulations exist is important because it will help you to understand the rights you have as students. There are two different accessibility regulations that we’ll be covering today, the OHRC and the AODA.

Slide 8 Script: Accessibility Regulations

Educational institutions in Ontario have an obligation to adhere to two sets of regulations, the Ontario Human Rights code (OHR) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

The goals of the OHRC is to help maintain accessible, inclusive, discrimination and harassment-free education environments that respect human rights.

The AODA: The AODA established the Integrated Accessibility Standard Regulations (IASR), a grouping of legal requirements that institutions must follow to help identify, remove, and prevent barriers faced by persons with disabilities. These requirements are divided in two categories: General Requirements and Accessibility Standards. The Act was put into place in 2005, with the intention of creating a fully accessible Ontario by 2025.

The goal of the AODA is to help organizations provide an accessible experience for all Ontarians. Please note that there are two additional standards in the progress of development: the Health Care Standards and the Educational Standards.

Module 2: ADHD and Post Secondary

Key Speaking Points:

  • Discuss with your panel about how they navigated post secondary as students with ADHD.
  • Discuss how post secondary is/can be different from high school.
  • Encourage students to ask questions

Module 3: Support

Key Speaking Points

  • Inform participants about student accessibility services. Include information such as how to access services, what services are available and who is eligible.
  • Share resources pertaining to university funding support for students with disabilities.
  • If relevant, provide overview of student health services available on campus.
  • If relevant, provide overview of peer support services available on campus.

Module 4: Your Rights and Resources

Key Speaking Points

  • Explain the rights that students with disabilities have at the post secondary level.
  • Encourage students to self advocate.
  • If applicable, share local resources pertaining to the rights of people with disabilities.

Slide 21 Script: Resources

  • The ADHDe Project webpage
  • Center for ADHD Awareness, Canada (CADDAC)
  • Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA)
  • The Student Accessibility Service Department
  • Learning Disabilities Association of Windsor Essex

Slide 22 Script:

Thank You Thank you for participating! We will now be opening the floor up for questions. Please feel free to type your questions in the chat, or you can raise your hand.

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High School Panel Presenters Guide

High School Panel PowerPoint Final


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the ADHDe project Copyright © 2023 by University of Windsor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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