2 Workshop Descriptions

Understanding ADHD (Mini Presentation)

Bring The ADHDe Project into your classroom or office! In less than 15 minutes, you can create a more inclusive, respectful, and accessible campus. We will cover…

  • The basics of ADHD
  • How you can help to create an inclusive campus
  • And where you can access supports and resources

Contact us at adhdeproject@uwindsor.ca for more details about how you can get involved!

The ADHDe Project (PD Workshop)

Are you interested in gaining a better understanding of ADHD and neurodiversity? Would you like to learn how to best support those with ADHD by enhancing your understanding of accessibility and inclusivity? If so, join The ADHDe Project on October 28, 2022, for a virtual workshop led by University of Windsor students. Gain valuable tips for supporting students with ADHD, learn more about diagnosis and resources, and participate in a live Q&A session. Our project and workshops aim to address and break down barriers for people diagnosed with ADHD.

Understanding ADHD; ADHD and Neurodiversity in the Classroom (CTL Workshop)

What is ADHD? How do we support students with ADHD? What is it like to be a university student with ADHD? All of these questions (and more!) will be answered during this workshop. Join The ADHDe Project and The Center for Teaching and Learning for an interactive session geared towards educators who want to learn more about ADHD and neurodiversity. For more information about The ADHDe Project and our goals, please visit our website.

High School Panel Event

Join The ADHDe Project and The University of Windsor for a virtual discussion panel geared toward high school students who have been diagnosed with ADHD and their families! This session will help prepare prospective University of Windsor students with the tools they need to succeed at the post-secondary level.

  • Insights from current University students with lived experience.
  • Receive important details about Student Accessibility Services at the University.
  • Information for students from the Learning Disabilities Association of Windsor-Essex.
  • Get tips and tricks to help you navigate university life.
  • Participate in a live Q&A.
  • Become more confident and prepared for the Fall!

Virtual Presentation Dates:

  • Tuesday, November 15, 2022
  • Friday, November 25, 2022


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