Learning Activities
Learning Activity 1 – Reflection Journal Entry
The purpose of this activity is to create a space for you to articulate your responses as you reflect on the resources provided in this module and begin working on your inquiry project.
Connection to Learning Outcome(s)
This activity contributes to the following course learning outcomes:
- Communicate clearly, precisely, and persuasively at an academic level (WRITE)
- Identify and apply appropriate note-taking, study skills, and time management strategies to their academic studies, as well as understanding the variety of resources on campus that can support their learning (AWARENESS)
- Illustrate effective use of online learning tools (DIGITAL AWARENESS)
After viewing the resources about the Blessed Unrest phenomenon described by Paul Hawken in the Bioneers segment and the Democracy Now! interview (both available under “View” in the Seminar Topic section of the course), use the document tool below to share a short summary of the key takeaways based on your understanding of the phenomenon. When you have completed your summary, download your document in Word format. Refer to your Course Syllabus to determine what tool your class will use for reflection entry response submissions or postings.
To access a Word version of this activity, read “TransitionU Inquiry and Academic Literacy Reflection Activity.“
Learning Activity 2 – Collective Creation
The purpose of this activity is to familiarize yourself with the academic writing and integrity services and resources available at the university and to share your discoveries regarding any of the services or resources you were unaware of.
Connection to Learning Outcome(s)
This activity contributes to the following course learning outcomes:
- Communicate clearly, precisely, and persuasively at an academic level (WRITE)
- Process oral communication actively, effectively, and critically (LISTEN)
- Identify and apply appropriate note-taking, study skills, and time management strategies to their academic studies, as well as understanding the variety of resources on campus that can support their learning (AWARENESS)
- Illustrate effective use of online learning tools (DIGITAL AWARENESS)
View Campus Partner Presentation on Academic Writing and Integrity and complete the Collective Creation Do You Know? Padlet Activity available at the end of that chapter.