Indigenous Initiatives and Library Resources

Indigenous Initiatives and Library Resources: Jerri-Lynn Orr and Madeline Donnelly

Click on the video below to watch a presentation from the Lakehead University Indigenous Curriculum Specialist and Liason Librarian.

Click here to access a transcript of the Indigenous Initiatives and Library Resources Campus Partner Presentation.Opens in new tab

Collective Creation: Do you know?

Padlet Activity

After viewing the Indigenous Initiatives and Library Resources Campus Partner Presentations, contribute one Do You Know? comment to the community Padlet noting something new or interesting you learned from the presentation. You can find the link to the community Padlet in your course syllabus.

Activity Templates for Teaching

If you would like to revise this activity for your own teaching and learning settings, we have provided a Padlet example and course syllabus template (listed below) that you may access, download, and adapt for your own contexts for this assignment:


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TransitionU: Community, Identity, and Inquiry Copyright © by Jill Greenwood, Lakehead University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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