References and Acknowledgements


Image of the Edward Carey Fox Statue. It depicts a human reaching up towards three birds. Photographer: Tony Hoang.


This Guidebook has existed in at least three iterations. Thank you to all previous authors, contributors, and reviewers whose time and expertise have shaped and enhanced this work: Tiffane Anandarajan, Catherine Anderson, Erin Aspenlieder, Rita Cossa, Kim Dej, Cara-Jane Dempsey, Thomas Doyle, Robert Fleisig, Rebecca Gewurtz, Susan Searls Giroux, Lori Goff, Daniel Goldreich, Matheus Grasselli, Kothai Gunaratnam, Krista Howarth, Korawege Nimesh Jayasena, Theresa N. Kenney, Susan McCracken, Bruce Milliken, Leanne Monteiro, Jake Nease, Biljana Njegovan, Stacey Ritz, Steve Sears, Christina Sinding, Elliot Storm, Catharine Swanson, Rebecca Taylor, Peter Walmsley, Douglas Welch, Elizabeth Weretilnyk, and Greg Wohl.


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Preparing a Teaching Portfolio Guidebook Copyright © 2024 by Paul R MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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