16 Part A.v. – Executive Summary

Evidence of Teaching Effectiveness (Part A.v.)

SPS B2 description: complete details of responses to the summative question in the student feedback on all courses taught over the past five years. The information should be set in the context of all the teaching done in the department. It is the responsibility of the Department Chair to provide all instructors with contextual data for all the courses given in each term.”

  • Provide, regarding the last 5 years (if possible):
    • Course title, course code, term, # enrolled students, # responses to course evaluation, mean score, standard deviation, median.
    • Department contextual data, such as means of summative question scores for all courses in the department.
    • Format: display these statistics in summary tables.
  • Although you will receive numerical data from your department, it is recommended that you supplement this with a reflection explaining its significance to you and your teaching.
  • Ultimately, you may opt to touch base with your Chair to discuss how they wish to see the data represented and contextualized in this section.
  • Note that SPS B2 disallows students’ comments obtained via end-of-term course surveys from being included in Part A of your teaching portfolio. However, including the student voice is possible in other ways, such as including letters from past students in Part B.
  • Keep in mind that McMaster’s SPS B1 Procedures for the Assessment of Teaching requires your Chair to obtain and consider other forms of evidence, as the University recognizes that numbers alone are not sufficient evidence of effective teaching. Additionally, providing your own contextualization of the numbers will give reviewers better insight than the numbers alone.


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