15 Part A.iv – Executive Summary

Contributions to Teaching (Part A.iv.)

SPS B2 description: “description of contributions to teaching, for example, course design, publications and research on teaching and learning, presentations on teaching and learning, professional development, educational leadership, reports on issues pertaining to teaching and learning (about one page)”

  • The Contributions to Teaching section where you can highlight your impact on teaching and learning beyond your usual classroom or virtual teaching.
  • Like the Description of Practice section, Contributions to Teaching should not resemble a CV. This section is intended to be a more in-depth, descriptive summary of a few of your most significant experiences shaping teaching and learning.
  • Keep in mind that you are not expected to provide an example for each type of contribution listed in SPS B2. Below is a comprehensive list of possible contributions you may be able to speak to, but do not worry if you have examples for only a couple of the following types:
    • Describe your curriculum development projects and innovations. This may include:
      • Innovative or novel course design.
      • Noteworthy or innovative course materials, assessments, handbooks, study guides, or learning products.
      • Contributions to design initiatives at the course or program level.
    • Detail your involvement in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL):
      • Published articles and research you conducted related to teaching and learning.
      • Presentations you have given at teaching and learning conferences.
      • Grants you have obtained for teaching-related activities or research.
    • Elaborate on your service related to teaching:
      • Involvement in curriculum or teaching committees.
      • Participation in program reviews (e.g., IQAP, accreditation).
      • Service as a referee for teaching awards.
    • Describe the educational leadership you have demonstrated within your department, faculty, or institution:
      • Service as a teaching mentor for faculty, graduate students, and teaching assistants.
      • Facilitation of workshops and events on teaching and learning.
      • Coordination of a series, conference, or other event related to teaching and learning.
      • Integration of key McMaster values into your teaching, such as community engagement, student wellness, and supporting international students.
    • Tip: Avoid discussing your growth in the Contributions to Teaching section; instead, speak to the growth you have fostered in others’ teaching and learning. If you wish to document your engagement in teaching-related professional development somewhere in your teaching portfolio, create an Appendix in Part B – Supporting Documentation and write a brief invitation to the reviewer here to refer to that information.
    • Format: one page summary of your contributions with references to the specific pieces of evidence in Part B – Supporting Documentation (i.e., your appendices).


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Preparing a Teaching Portfolio Guidebook Copyright © 2024 by Paul R MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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