23 McMaster Policy related to the Evaluation of Teaching

Tenure and Promotion Policy: McMaster University Revised Policy And Regulations With Respect To Academic Appointment, Tenure And Promotion

Like many higher education institutions, McMaster has specific requirements for teaching portfolios that are used for tenure, permanence, and promotion. See Section III, Parts 5 through 10, with more complete details for the teaching portfolio in SPS B2: Teaching Portfolios, linked below.

SPS B1: Procedures for Assessment of Teaching

This policy details the comprehensive methods by which your department is required to evaluate your teaching.

SPS B2: Teaching Portfolios

This policy details information for how to structure your teaching portfolio. Suggestions for effectively fulfilling SPS B2 can be found in Chapter IV: Fulfilling McMaster’s SPS B2 Requirements.

SPS B11: Curriculum Vitae Requirements

This policy outlines the structure of a McMaster CV, in which you will provide some basic information about your teaching activities. Since tenure, permanence, and promotion committees will review both your teaching portfolio and CV, ensure they align. However, avoid repeating information in your portfolio that is already detailed in your CV.

SPS B12: Preparation of Dossiers for Tenure/Permanence/CAWAR and/or Promotion

This policy outlines the requirements and expectations for the entire tenure/permanence or promotion dossier, of which your teaching portfolio is a part.

The next chapter provides advice to those reviewing teaching portfolios: Chairs, peers, and reviewers.


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Preparing a Teaching Portfolio Guidebook Copyright © 2024 by Paul R MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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