Writing a Compelling Portfolio

Your teaching portfolio provides insight into who you are as an educator and is most compelling when it is authentic, growth-oriented, scholarly, and reflective. It should include a compilation of teaching-related materials (see Chapter V: Selecting Evidence for your Portfolio) while also communicating your core values, goals, and commitment to growth as an educator. To balance these components, craft a well-aligned narrative that demonstrates authenticity, a developmental approach, and scholarly reflective practice. By doing so, your narrative provides context for the artifacts and evidence that you choose to showcase.

Looking up at the exterior of Hamilton Hall. Lush green foliage covers much of the building. Photographer: Georgia Kirkos.


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Preparing a Teaching Portfolio Guidebook Copyright © 2024 by Paul R MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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