4 Navigating this Guidebook

This Guidebook is designed to support you through creating or refining your teaching portfolio. Chapter II recommends a process for accomplishing this important work. The subsequent chapters dive into specific elements of the process that necessitate further exploration: the narrative process to writing your portfolio (Chapter III), aligning your portfolio with the requirements stated in SPS B2 (Chapter IV), and curating evidence for your teaching portfolio (Chapter V). Chapter VI suggests a peer feedback process to help you refine your portfolio and links you to various policies and resources. Finally, Chapter VII presents suggestions geared towards Chairs, peers, and additional folks who are in the position of reviewing a teaching portfolio.

This Guidebook also links to a Word document template of a teaching portfolio organized according to SPS B2 requirements. This has been created so that you may focus on writing rather than formatting. You can find this template in the Available to Download: McMaster Teaching Portfolio Template section.

To navigate from page to page within this Pressbook, please look for “Next: chapter/section name” within the footer at the very bottom of your browser window or use the Contents drop-down menu towards the top left of this Pressbook. 

Best of luck as you engage in your process of creating your portfolio for the first time, refining an existing portfolio, or reviewing the portfolio of a colleague, direct report, or job applicant.


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Preparing a Teaching Portfolio Guidebook Copyright © 2024 by Paul R MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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