
Module 3 Services and Resources for Students and Faculty

There are 6 sections in this module!

eagle and grouse feathers netted together with sweetgrass
Fig. 3.0 Eagle and grouse feathers netted together with sweetgrass

This module provides you with common situations where students may benefit from accessing Conestoga’s services and supports for students. You will learn how to support your students in and beyond the classroom, and find a range of supports, services and resources to assist you with teaching, assessment, technology use, and more.

By the end of this module, students will be able to:

  • Identify the services and supports for students
  • Describe common student support needs
  • Explain what to do in several high-risk situations

After you have completed this module and its activities, return to eConestoga to take the corresponding module quiz.

cartoon light bulbNew Faculty Tip

Find below two web-based lists of key supports and services, which contain links to relevant web pages and more information:

Download for your reference:
Right-click each page and select “Print.” Your device will allow you to save as a PDF to your device.

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Create shortcuts on your desktop:
In your web browser, beside the address bar, drag the padlock icon and drop it onto your desktop. Double-click the shortcut to launch the page.

Padlock icon
Shortcut option

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