Welcome to the Teaching and Services at Conestoga (EDEV0670) course reading and resource!
About This Course Reading
This resource is required reading for the micro-credential course, Teaching and Services at Conestoga (EDEV0670), provided by the Teaching and Learning Department at Conestoga.
This resource provides key information for you in your faculty role. Topics include:
- Ontario Colleges and Conestoga College (Module 1)
- Legislation and Teaching Expectations (Module 2)
- Services and Supports for Students and Faculty (Module 3)
All college faculty employees must complete this course as part of the mandatory Teaching at Conestoga micro-credential program.
The corresponding assignments for each module of course may be accessed through your course shell in eConestoga. Contact your professor if you have any questions about the course.
Send feedback to Teaching and Learning.
Using This Resource
Online or Offline
If you choose to review the course reading online online, use the Table of Contents menu on the left side of the page to navigate to different Modules and section. You may also perform a keyword search using the Search feature in the top-right of the page.
If you choose to read this digital resource offline, you may a PDF version (from the home page). Note that you will be unable to complete the self-check questions at the end of each section in the downloaded (offline) version.
“How Tos” For New Faculty at Conestoga
Need some practical how-tos for your classes? Visit the back matter of this digital resource for information, videos, and checklists to help you prepare for your first classes.
Quick Links for Conestoga Supports and Services
Bookmark these links for your reference!
Not Enrolled in EDEV0670?
All faculty are welcome to use this digital resource. However, course registration is required to obtain credit for completing EDEV0670. Enroll in a course section via the Student Portal, then access your eConestoga course shell when it becomes available.