
5.2 Discussion

As we developed the course, a backwards design approach was used to align learning outcomes with activities and assessments. As part of working through this process, the ICE framework helped to facilitate my own process of connecting what seemed initially like disparate parts into a culminating assignment called “The Study Site Assessment” or the SSA. In the SSA, I wanted to deviate from the prescribed approach of a checklist of recalled Ideas and veer towards a holistic approach that invited creativity and deep learning through Connections and Extensions. To do this, we iteratively integrated the ICE model into a staged written assignment that both valued and honoured process work, which is usually rare in large-enrollment first-year classes because of the extra time to create and assess these assignments, including giving and receiving feedback. 

The SSA was created to simulate a critical step at the beginning of any successful geoscience-related thesis, professional project, or recreational adventure and unlock student capacity to think creatively and in critical ways. Comprehensively investigating a study site before a site visit is often incredibly valuable because it can help alter objectives, approach, and save both time and money. In my own teaching, I often use examples to illuminate the value and rationale for engaging in this type of thinking. For instance, this is one example that I’ve often used with great effect: We were flying in a helicopter I was directing to conduct research in a remote location in Wood Buffalo National Park, northern Alberta. We received special permission to land and collect samples in an area where few people had visited. I thoroughly investigated the area by completing an SSA beforehand but it wasn’t until we were hovering in an expensive helicopter over terrain that we could not safely land on that I got nervous. We were near the limit of gas to return safely and every moment of indecision cost money from a competitive University of Waterloo Water Institute seed grant and induced stress with our equipment and crew of three, an undergraduate student, First Nations community member, and me. At this moment I redirected our project “on-the-fly”, seamlessly adapting to land on a different part of the shoreline sequence and redirecting one aspect of the objectives in this unique research that I proposed. I attribute this quick response that saved our research trip to completing an SSA beforehand. The SSA forced me to not only prepare beforehand but prepared me to think creatively and critically before we even started fieldwork, forging a path forward that was uniquely my own and an integral foundation to problem solve while in the field.

The SSA is purposely separated into three parts (A, B, and C), each framed by the ICE model. For example, in part A, the Ideas element is represented in the description of the location site. The ideas build in the second instruction that asks students to both list and then to justify their reasons for choosing the site, therefore facilitating Connections. Finally, students in the final step of part A, need to demonstrate different ways of thinking like a geoscientist in a sense-making process that requires them to make Extensions beyond the site itself. A similar process was taken in the design for parts B and C of the SSA. This structure is meant to help students better manage this large compilation worth 25 percent of their overall mark in the course, align with the timing of class learning modules, and build similar elements that support student improvement and mastery. Students are provided these instructions for the SSA: 


Chose a parcel of land anywhere in the world to study. Ensure that information is available for the following topics: Rocks (composition, structure, processes) and Time (age). Your selected location could be somewhere you grew up, the cottage, a favourite fishing spot, or even a randomly chosen area.

Compile each of the items below. Each should include text and visuals (annotated photographs, drawings, figures, or maps) that clearly explain what is found at your study site. Be sure to properly cite any sources of information in APA format.

In this culminating assignment, Part A was specifically created as a low-stakes entry for students (worth five percent of their class mark) and provided an opportunity for Idea generation. This initial phase encouraged students to connect their chosen location to the world at large. Further, students were required to offer a well-reasoned argument that demonstrates effective spatial thinking for the location for their selected site. Assignment instructions are included here for Part A:


Description of Study Site:

  1. Describe the location (e.g. latitude, longitude, and relative location)

  2. List and justify your reasons for selecting the particular site.

  3. Demonstrate that you’re thinking like a geoscientist by including three figures with associated text descriptions. These descriptions should demonstrate effective spatial thinking (e.g., relate two and three-dimensional aspects and various scales and the significance of these relationships).

Parts B and C are more comprehensive than Part A (each worth ten percent of their class mark). The assignment design provides enabling constraints; more specifically, by including pages and text limits, as well as the guiding criteria for the assignment using the ICE framework, students are encouraged to exercise their agency and judgment. Part B encourages systems thinking with unique adaptations of the rock cycle to create a novel and well-suited SSA to the location choice. Assignment instructions and descriptions are included here for Part B:


Composition and Structure of the material and Processes that contributed to their formation:

  1. Identify the type of rock at your site. Use the rock classification framework and the rock cycle to assess the type of rock that you’re working with. Refer to Module Two: Rocks for help.

  2. Cite the sources that you use to determine your rock.

  3. Write a compelling argument of your classification of the rock.

  4. Create a unique adaptation of the rock cycle that includes the rock from your study site.

  5. Your depiction should be supported by a text-based argument that illustrates a clear understanding or systems thinking (as it relates to the Earth System) and a rich context for your study site (i.e. the individual parts of the system and the interconnectedness between parts of the system)

Part B should be  3-4 pages (750-1000 words) in the length of text, not including figures.

Part C encourages temporal thinking with unique adaptations of the geologic timescale to create a novel and well-suited SSA to the location choice. Here are the detailed instructions that students received for the completion of Part C:


Age of the material:

  1. Identify the relative and absolute (numerical) age of your chosen rock. Refer to Module Three: Time for help.

  2. Cite the sources that you use to determine the age.

  • For more information about citing sources, visit: UW library: Citing Sources.

  • For more information about how to cite maps, visit: UW library: Maps – Geospatial Centre.

  1. Write a compelling argument for the age of your rock.

  2. Create a unique adaptation of the geological time scale that accurately contextualizes your chosen rock.

  3. Your depiction should be supported by a text-based argument that illustrates a clear understanding of temporal thinking (as it relates to its place in Earth History) and a rich context of your study site.

Part C should be 3-4 pages (750-1000 words) in the length of text, not including figures.

The connections between Parts B and C were important to make clear for students in the assignment design. There is a parallelism that exists in both phases that enables students to develop competencies and skills that are transferable to a variety of contexts. Here we apply these ways of thinking in the geological realm, nevertheless, the strategies and approaches that students will grapple with as part of this assignment hold the potential to prepare them for tackling some of the challenges facing society. 


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Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Across the Disciplines: ICE Stories Copyright © 2021 by Sue Fostaty Young, Meagan Troop, Jenn Stephenson, Kip Pegley, John Johnston, Mavis Morton, Christa Bracci, Anne O’Riordan, Val Michaelson, Kanonhsyonne Janice Hill, Shayna Watson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.