
Stories of Hope: Reflections on Resilience, Vol. 1, by Laura Quirk, project editor, was first published by Conestoga College in 2023 under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.

“When Hope Is All You Have Left” by Laura Quirk was published in September 2023.

“K-Drama and Lessons in Hope” by Cynthia Comacchio was added to the publication in July 2024.

As the work included in this publication reflects the lived experience of real people, it may be redistributed for non-commercial use, but it may not be adapted or remixed in any way. Please include attribution to both the individual author and Conestoga College.

Book cover photo:Sun light passing through green leafed tree” by Jeremy Bishop, 2018 on Unsplash, used under the Unsplash license.

Book cover design: Rachel Stuckey


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Stories of Hope, Vol. 1 Copyright © 2023 by Conestoga College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.