Living Together in a Good Way

Reconciliation is about learning to live together in a good way. Like all Indigenous Teachings though, living in a good way can have as many interpretations as there are many Knowledge Keepers and Elders providing the Teaching. In addition, a fundamental value in most Indigenous worldviews is that you learn what you are meant to learn at the time you are intended to learn it. Therefore, what each person takes away from learning about living in a good way is going to be unique to them.
In Skoden, and the reconciliation work that is needed in post-secondary settings, we focus on decision-making and the importance of considering the teachings of the Ancestors going back seven generations and the needs of Descendants going forward seven generations.
Non-Indigenous people have much to account for due to the damage done to the Indigenous people of Turtle Island. See this APTN Investigates documentary The Colonial Playbook for a discussion about the ongoing deliberate nature of colonization.
As you view this video consider:
- The term “playbook” is most commonly used in sports, primarily Canadian and American football, and contains a number of standard plays or moves or strategies to be used in the game against opponents. As you view the video pay attention to what strategies are contained within the colonial playbook that the government has always been functioning from?
- What are your thoughts about the position that what happened in the past is regrettable and that though some horrible mistakes were made, Canada is still essential a great country?
This is not the end of the story though. We get to work together to write the history that will be told for the next seven generations. One small step we can take toward living together in a good way is by using appropriate terminology as we build relationships now and into the future.