
Student Authored Projects Option 2

To embolden future students to engage critically and creatively with Shakespeare, this section of the book brings together three outstanding “Option 2” Shakespeare and/as Adaptation final projects.

Each of the student projects featured in this section considers how an artist or writer from a later time period borrows from Shakespeare, adapting one of his plays to explore messages of particular relevance to that artist or writer’s audience.

Topics and genres touched on here range from Hamlet’s mistreatment of women as adapted to Twitter (Cade); to honour and responsibility as themes informing both Othello and its Bollywood adaptation Omkara (Dhanot); to questions of truth, interpretation, and tyranny in Shakespeare’s Macbeth as adapted via contemporary film (Palmieri).


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Shakespeare and/as Adaptation Copyright © 2022 by Melinda Gough and Stacy de Berner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.