
About the Authors

Dr. Melinda Gough has taught early modern studies and gender studies at McMaster University since 2002. Her first university teaching experience was as a tutorial leader for a large Shakespeare lecture course at Yale University, where she earned her PhD. Her current research focuses on resonances between the history of gendered performance on the early modern stage and our contemporary drive to achieve gender equity in today’s professional theatre industry. When she isn’t working, Melinda likes to hike, camp, read, make music, swim laps, walk her dog Jackson, and hang out with her partner and fifteen-year-old twins.


Stacy de Berner, an off-reserve Chippewa from Beausoleil First Nation, is now a third year English and Cultural Studies student at McMaster University. She is interested in Gothic and Romantic literature, as well as Shakespeare, but also in their intersections with Indigenous themes and peoples. In her writings, she aims to use the Western literary canon to explore and illuminate the intergenerational violence and trauma of Settler contact and employ it as a tool of decolonization. Stacy lives in Hamilton with her husband and their two children.


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Shakespeare and/as Adaptation Copyright © 2022 by Melinda Gough and Stacy de Berner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.