
Torkington’s Pilgrimage

Bibliographic Information


Medieval Title:

Ye Oldest Diarie of Englysshe Travell, being the hitherto unpublished Narrative of the Pilgrimage of Sir Richard Torkington to Jerusalem in 1517



Richard Torkington



Early Sixteenth Century


Textual Information

Brief Summary:

Richard Torkington was a priest in Norfolk in the early sixteenth century. He went on pilgrimage to the Holy Land in March of 1517, and detailed his journey recounting the places he visited and the relics held in these locations. For example, in Lyon he goes to see an emerald stone cup from which Jesus drank. The list of relics he either encounters or describes before reaching the Holy Land includes several passion relics. In Milan, he recounts a Church of Saint Silvester holds one of the thorns from Jesus’s Crown of Thorns, while a Church of our Blyssed Lady has one of the Crucifixion Nails. While stationed in Venice, he describes several short trips, including one to see the body of Saint Elene, and how there is a cross upon her chest which has been made from the True Cross.

While in the Holy Land, he documents being received by the Turks and the Saracens. As part of his description of this journey, Richard recounts the history of the True Cross when it served as a bridge for Jesus over the water. He also reminds readers that these lands are in Muslim hands. He visits the location where the Holy Cross was found by Saint Elene, as well as the location where the Spear, Nails, and Crown of Thorns were recovered. He records the fact that the Saracens will not let Christians into the Temple of Solomon. If any Christians do enter the temple, they are forced to convert to avoid execution. He states that the Saracens hold the Temple in great reverence.


Relics Appearing in Text:

Crown of Thorns
Crucifixion nails
Veil of Veronica


Manuscripts, Editions, and Translations



London, British Library, Additional MSS 28,561 and 28,562.

Both manuscripts are copies rather than the original diary.


List of Editions of the Medieval Text: 

Sir Richard Torkington. Ye Oldest Diarie of Englysshe Travell, being the hitherto unpublished Narrative of the Pilgrimage of Sir Richard Torkington to Jerusalem in 1517. Edited by W. J. Loftie. London: Field and Tuer, 1884.