
La Bible Anonyme

Bibliographic Information


Medieval Title: 

Bible Anonyme 









Textual Information

Brief Summary:

Bible Anonyme (also known as the Traduction anonyme de la bible) is a thirteenth-century composition that contains a Legend of the Holy Cross. The narrative provides depiction of the relic coming in contact with humans/monsters: four Ethiopian monsters are converted to the Christian faith by touching the Holy Wood. Bible Anonyme presents stories about the relic as a miraculous object to which humans are moved emotionally, and the Holy Wood as a constructive devotional instruction of Christians. It describes the great effect of the relic on the humans who observe it, and the marvellous joy that fills the ones observing the Holy Wood once it is displayed.


Relics Appearing in Text:

True Cross


Manuscripts, Editions, and Translations




List of Editions of the Medieval Text: 

La Bible anonyme du MS Paris BN f. fr. 763. Ed. Julia C. Szirmai. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1985.

Available online: https://archive.org/details/labibleanonymedu0000unse

List of Translations of the Medieval Text: