Letter from the King of Jerusalem to King Louis VII, 12 January 1165
Bibliographic Information
Medieval Title:
Amalric, King of Jerusalem
1165, Latin
Textual Information
Brief Summary:
King Amalric writes to King Louis VII to inform him that the Christians are being oppressed in Jerusalem and to ask for aid against the Turks who threaten them. Amalric recounts the efforts against Shirkuh in Egypt, claiming their successes were derived from the True Cross. Amalric explains that through God’s intervention their enemy fled, but explains that the army, in its arrogance, continued to pursue and all of the men were either killed or taken prisoner.
Relics Appearing in Text:
True Cross
Manuscripts, Editions, and Translations
List of Editions of the Medieval Text:
Recueil des Historiens des Gaules et de la France. Volume 16, no. 243. Edited by Martin Bouquet et al., 79. Paris, 1878.
Available online: https://archive.org/details/RecueilDesHistoriensDesGaulesEtDe16_201405
List of Translations of the Medieval Text:
“Amalric, King of Jerusalem, to Louis VII, King of France, 12 January, 1165. Antioch.” In Letters from the East: Crusaders, Pilgrims and Settlers in the 12th-13th Centuries. Translated by Malcolm Barber and Keith Bate, 62. Burlington: Ashgate, 2010.