
Sina Zarini

Swimming Behaviour

In our study, we investigate the swimming behaviour of juvenile round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) using a swim tunnel experiment. This controlled environment allows us to observe two primary behaviours: active swimming, characterized by continuous movement and exploration, and station holding, where the fish maintain a relatively stationary position. By recording these behaviours, we aim to understand the activity patterns and preferences of round goby in response to varying conditions. Our dataset includes measurements of swimming and holding durations, as well as fish size categorization, providing insights into their locomotor dynamics and ecological interactions.


1. Descriptive Statistics:

  • What is the median swimming duration of the juvenile round goby in the swim tunnel experiment?
  • What is the range of swimming durations observed among the juvenile round goby specimens?
  • Calculate the mean swimming duration of the juvenile round goby in the swim tunnel experiment.
  • Calculate the standard deviation of swimming durations observed among the juvenile round goby specimens.
  • Calculate the percentage of fish categorized as small, medium, and large in the sampled population.



2. Graphical Analysis:

  • Create a histogram to visualize the distribution of swimming durations among the juvenile round goby specimens.
  • Generate a histogram to visualize the distribution of holding durations among the juvenile round goby specimens.
Swimming vs. Holding Duration Relationship:
  • Create a scatter plot to visualize the relationship between swimming and holding durations among the juvenile round goby specimens.
Comparison by Size:
  • Generate side-by-side boxplots to compare the distributions of swimming and holding durations between small, medium, and large round goby.


3. Statistical Tests:

  • Check for normality of swimming and holding durations using Q-Q plot and Shapiro-Wilk test.
  • Is there a correlation between swimming and holding durations among the juvenile round goby specimens? Perform a correlation test and report the correlation coefficient.
  • Are there significant differences in swimming durations between different size categories of juvenile round goby? Conduct the appropriate test and interpret the results. Perform post-hoc tests if needed.


Files to Download:

  1. b10_simulated_swimming.csv