
Matin Yousefabadi

Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive neuroimaging technique that has revolutionized our understanding of the brain. It is primarily used to observe and measure brain activity, providing an invaluable tool for neuroscience research. fMRI operates on the principle that cerebral blood flow and neuronal activation are coupled. When a brain area is more active, it consumes more oxygen, and to meet this increased demand, blood flow to the active area also increases. This phenomenon is known as the hemodynamic response.

The Basics of fMRI

1. Principle of Operation:

  • Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) Contrast: fMRI primarily uses BOLD contrast, which relies on the different magnetic properties of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Oxygenated blood (which is less magnetic) and deoxygenated blood (which is more magnetic) affect the MR signal differently, allowing the detection of changes in blood flow related to neural activity.

2. Imaging Procedure:

  • Non-invasive and Safe: fMRI uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to generate detailed images of the brain. Unlike other imaging techniques, it does not involve exposure to ionizing radiation, making it safe for repeated use.
  • Temporal and Spatial Resolution: While offering a relatively high spatial resolution (ability to detect where the activity is happening in the brain), fMRI has a modest temporal resolution (ability to detect when the activity occurs). This is due to the time it takes for the hemodynamic response to occur following neuronal activity.

3. fMRI data:

The raw data from fMRI scans are typically in the form of 3D images or volumes. These are acquired over time, resulting in a 4D dataset (3D space + time).

Applications in Neuroscience Research

1. Brain Mapping:

  • Identifying Functional Areas: fMRI is extensively used to map the functional areas of the brain. This includes locating regions responsible for motor functions, language, vision, and other cognitive processes.

2. Understanding Brain Disorders:

  • Disease Diagnosis and Treatment: Researchers use fMRI to study the brain functions of individuals with various neurological and psychiatric disorders, aiding in diagnosis and treatment strategies.

3. Cognitive and Behavioral Studies:

  • Insights into Cognitive Processes: fMRI allows scientists to observe the brain while it is processing information, providing insights into complex cognitive processes like memory, attention, and problem-solving.

4. Neuroplasticity:

  • Monitoring Changes Over Time: fMRI can be used to study the changes in brain activity over time, helping to understand neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.

Some Limitations and Challenges

1. Indirect Measurement:

  • The BOLD response is an indirect measure of neural activity, relying on blood flow changes rather than directly measuring neuronal action potentials.

2. Temporal Resolution:

  • The slow nature of the hemodynamic response limits the temporal precision of fMRI.

3. Artifact and Noise:

  • fMRI data can be affected by various types of noise and artifacts, including patient movement and physiological processes like breathing and heartbeat.

4. Cost and Accessibility:

  • fMRI is an expensive technique requiring specialized equipment and expertise, limiting its accessibility.

Common Tools for fMRI Data Analysis:

  1. SPM (Statistical Parametric Mapping):
    • Primarily based on MATLAB, SPM is a widely used tool for analyzing brain imaging data. It focuses on the statistical analysis of brain function using voxel-based methods.
  2. FSL (FMRIB Software Library):
    • FSL is a comprehensive library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI, and DTI brain imaging data. It’s known for its robust preprocessing pipelines and advanced statistical analysis capabilities.
  3. AFNI (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages):
    • AFNI is a suite of C programs for processing, analyzing, and displaying functional MRI (fMRI) data. It is particularly adept at time-series analysis for examining changes in brain activity.
  4. FreeSurfer:
    • FreeSurfer is primarily used for processing and analyzing structural and functional neuroimaging data from MRI scans. It excels in brain segmentation and cortical surface reconstruction.
  5. nilearn (Python):
    • Nilearn is a Python module for fast and easy statistical learning on NeuroImaging data. It leverages scikit-learn and is suited for machine learning approaches in neuroimaging.

Preprocessing the fMRI Data:

Preprocessing of fMRI data is essential for enhancing data quality, standardizing data across sessions and subjects, removing artifacts due to subject movement and physiological processes, and optimizing the interpretation of the BOLD signal, thereby ensuring accurate and reliable subsequent analyses.

Steps in fMRI Data Preprocessing:

  1. Slice Timing Correction:
    • Corrects for the time difference in image acquisition between different slices of the brain. This is important because not all slices are acquired simultaneously.
  2. Motion Correction:
    • Adjusts for the subject’s head movements during the scan. Even small movements can significantly affect the quality of the data.
  3. Spatial Normalization:
    • Transforms all the brain images into a common space (often a standard brain template like the MNI template), enabling comparisons across subjects.
  4. Smoothing:
    • Applies a spatial filter to the data to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. Smoothing makes the data less noisy but can also blur fine details.
  5. Temporal Filtering:
    • Removes fluctuations not related to the brain’s hemodynamic response, such as high-frequency noise or low-frequency drifts in the signal.
  6. Artifact Detection and Correction:
    • Identifies and corrects for physiological artifacts like heartbeat and respiration, as well as other sporadic events that can distort the data.
  7. Co-registration:
    • Aligns functional images with structural images (like T1-weighted scans) to ensure accurate localization of brain activity.

fMRI Analysis Using R

In this section, we will focus on how you can view and work with fMRI data in R.
While fMRI data can be saved in raw formats like DICOM or scanner-specific PAR/REC, the most common types for analysis are processed formats like the widely used NIfTI, which stores brain volume data and information, and BIDS, a standardized directory structure facilitating data sharing and compatibility with various analysis tools. Choosing the right type depends on analysis stage and compatibility needs, but NIfTI and BIDS are generally preferred for processed data due to their flexibility and widespread adoption. For this tutorial we use NIFTI file formats.

From here you can download a sample fMRI data saved in NIFTI.

1. Installing and Loading Necessary Packages:

install.packages(c("oro.nifti", "fmri", "neurobase", "fslr"))

2. Loading fMRI Data:

# Load a NIfTI file
fmri_data <- readNIfTI("path/to/your/fmri.nii")

# Check the dimensions and structure
dim(fmri_data)  # Check dimensions (x, y, z, time)
# As you can see fMRI has 4 dimensions which are 3D space + time.
str(fmri_data)  # View data structure

3. Visualizing fMRI Data:

  • Slice-wise Visualization:
# Display a single slice
ortho2(fmri_data, xyz = c(40, 40, 20))  # Visualize slice at coordinates (40, 40, 20)
  • Time Series Visualization:

In fMRI, a voxel is a tiny 3D brain chunk like a pixel in an image. It measures blood flow changes linked to brain activity, giving us a detailed picture of what’s happening where and when.

# Extract time series from a specific voxel.
voxel_time_series <- fmri_data[25, 30, 15, ]

# Plot the time series
plot(voxel_time_series, type = "l", xlab = "Time", ylab = "BOLD Signal")

An example of an study: Neural Responses to Visual Stimuli

In a neuroimaging study, a fMRI experiment was conducted to investigate brain responses to visual stimuli. The study employed a block design paradigm where participants were shown images of a baby at fixed intervals. Specifically, each participant was exposed to a picture of a baby for 15 seconds, followed by a 15-second interval where no image was displayed (black screen). This sequence was repeated for 10 cycles, resulting in a total experiment duration of 300 seconds, or 5 minutes.

The accompanying dataset voxels.csv contains time series data from 10 selected brain voxels of one participant, providing a focused insight into localized brain activity during the experiment. The data is structured to facilitate analysis of brain response patterns in relation to the visual stimulus. Additionally, the dataset includes a stimuli column that chronicles the timing of the visual stimuli presented to the participant. In this column, a value of 1 denotes the presence of the baby image on the screen, while a 0 indicates a phase where no image was shown (black screen). The fMRI data has been recorded every 1 second therefore there are 300 time-steps in the data.

Certainly! Here are some questions that you could ask students related to each part of the provided R code, aimed at testing their understanding of data analysis and visualization in R:

Loading the Dataset

  1. Write the R code to load a CSV file named ‘voxels.csv’ into a variable called voxels_data. Explain what each part of the command does.

Data Inspection

  1. How can you display the first few rows of the dataset voxels_data in R? Why is this step important before proceeding with data analysis?
  2. What function would you use to understand the structure of voxels_data? What kind of information does this function provide?

Data Preparation

  1. In data analysis, why is it important to prepare or clean your data before conducting statistical analysis? Give an example of a data preparation step you might need to do for this dataset.

Statistical Analysis

  1. Write a code snippet to calculate the correlation between each voxel’s time series and the stimuli. Explain how the apply function is used in this context.
  2. What does the cor() function do? In this specific context, what are we trying to find out by using cor()?


  1. Create a bar plot in R using ggplot2 that displays the correlation coefficients for each voxel. Explain how you set the x and y aesthetics in your plot.
  2. Why is visualization important in data analysis, particularly in the context of this neuroimaging study?

Files to Download
  1. voxels.csv
References for further reading

For more detailed information and advanced techniques in statistical analysis of fMRI using R, the following resources are recommended:

  1. Validating fMRI methods
  2. A Tutorial on Modeling fMRI Data using a General Linear Model. – A very comprehensive example of an statistical analysis on fMRI using R