

Introductory Video


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Course Overview

Logos of Seneca College, Humber College, Kenjgewin Teg, Trent University and Nipissing University.

This collaborative project between Seneca College, Humber College, Kenjgewin Teg, Trent University and Nipissing University provides learners with the knowledge and skills to design, develop and deliver high-quality, interactive and engaging online learning experiences.

Cover page of Designing and Developing High-Quality Student-Centred Online/Hybrid Learning Experiences

Over the past few years, there has been an unprecedented challenge for academic institutions across both college and university sectors to shift from in-person to online course delivery. But, with limited resources to guide and support high-quality online course development, how can we be certain that all the effort put into online development results in a quality learning experience that sets students up for success?

This accessible and flexible four-week asynchronous online course provides learners with strategies and tools to create well-organized, accessible and culturally inclusive courses that engage learners and help them achieve their learning goals in a virtual environment.

Each of the four modules contained within the course are learner-centred and include transferable supports that allow for reskilling and upskilling of faculty. Post-secondary institutions can use the course to support faculty development and use the content within the course (e.g., authentic assessment, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, and designing with international students in mind) to frame new online courses. This online course will support colleges and universities in driving high-quality and innovative online/hybrid learning by modelling best practices in online course design and delivery.

Course Learning Outcomes

This resource aims to support individual faculty members, as well as teaching and learning centres at colleges and universities, with resources and guidance to meet the following outcomes:

  1. Build a well-structured and organized online learning environment that is easy to navigate and sets students up for success.
  2. Design and implement an online assessment strategy that aligns to identified course learning outcomes and allows students to demonstrate and apply their learning.
  3. Create an online course and all associated materials to comply with accessibility and legal requirements (AODA, Canada Copyright, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy).
  4. Plan and implement activities that increase student engagement.
  5. Apply principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to support a meaningful and student-centred learning experience.
  6. Incorporate the principles of UDL to ensure that all students can participate and engage fully with content, each other and faculty.
  7. Use a community of inquiry framework to build and support a learning community within a virtual classroom.

How to Navigate Pressbooks

Download transcript [PDF] | Watch the ~1:30-minute How to Navigate Pressbooks Video [Video].


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Designing and Developing High-Quality Student-Centred Online/Hybrid Learning Experiences Copyright © 2022 by Seneca College; Humber College; Kenjgewin Teg; Trent University; and Nipissing University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.