3.4 Self-Directed Learning

Self Directed learning
Silex Self-Directed Learning” © Fanshawe College

Identify and achieve personal learning goals

Being a self-directed learner is being autonomous, organized, and self-disciplined. They are able to communicate effectively, accept constructive feedback, and engage in self-evaluation and self­-reflection to learn. Self-directed learners are lifelong learners as they continue to grow and adapt to complex social and technological changes throughout their careers. They are self-motivated.

Self-Directed Learning

Excelling in Self-directed Learning as a Job Skill means:

You can:

  • Take initiative to learn
  • Work towards solving real-world problems trying to find efficient solutions
  • Adapt and learn as needed
  • Not fear change
  • Be accountable
  • Be punctual

Others see you as:

  • Acting without being told to
  • Assessing your own abilities – strengths and weaknesses
  • Adapting to new technology
  • A motivated/driven person
Self-Directed Learning

Pre-Health Perspective

In PHS you will have many opportunities to develop the Job Skill of self-directed learning.  Below are just two examples of times you will be required to do self-directed learning:

  • Blended courses will have built-in hour(s) where you complete tasks and evaluations on your own to meet a set deadline.
  • Students will use the Mathematics Open Educational Resource to work on their self-directed learning skills by using the practice problems to prepare for class and evaluations.

As a Registered Nurse in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, I am required to think critically and quickly assess situations involving a neonate. Infant conditions can change rapidly without warning which requires me to be a self-directed learner. It is of upmost important that I am motivated to continue increasing my knowledge base. Technology is ever-evolving and requires continuous preparation to respond to patient situations while exhibiting clinical competence.

Ewelina Stoyanovich, RN, PhD (Student), MN, BScN, BA

4.4 Self-Directed Learning” from Working in Play: Planning for a Career in the Recreation and Leisure Industry in Canada by Linda Whitehead is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


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Pre-health Science Pathways to Success Copyright © 2023 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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