
For students living in Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Student Aid offers yearly Student Loan and Grant applications, which provide financial assistance for post-secondary students through grants and repayable loans. The application process for student loans is reasonably straightforward and can be completed on their website. You will be informed whether you are eligible for grants or financial aid, as this depends on your financial need (e.g., students with lower household incomes). Students are encouraged to apply for assistance from the government early during their financial aid application process. For more information on applying, eligibility, and managing student loans, see the Saskatchewan Student Aid Application for helpful videos. On this website, you can also see the yearly Student Aid Handbook, which covers scholarships, grants, loans, and other important considerations for funding your post-secondary education.

These resources are also helpful:

Information for First Nations youth transitioning to urban centers for post-secondary education in Saskatchewan is also available online.


Government of Saskatchewan. (n.d.). Student loans.


How to Cite this Chapter Using APA

*Nusselder, F., *Burrows, H. M. R., Giovannangeli, A. J., Armstrong, A. M., & Xu, Y. (2024). Saskatchewan. In Pay for post-secondary: A student’s guide for securing financial aid. Queen’s University, eCampus Ontario. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

*denotes equal contributions as first authors



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Pay for Post-Secondary: A Student’s Guide for Securing Financial Aid Copyright © 2024 by Floor Nusselder; Hannah M. R. Burrows; Alyssa J. Giovannangeli; Adrianna M. Armstrong; and Yanxin Xu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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