

For students living in Manitoba, Manitoba Student Aid is a regularly updated resource with a specific timeline for grant and loan deadlines for this. The site requires you to make an account, and you can apply for grants and loans through the MySAO portal. Here  you can complete the Manitoba Student Aid application, which is available every year. You will be informed whether you are eligible for grants or financial aid, as this depends on your financial need (e.g., students with lower household incomes).

Manitoba Student Aid provides information on the student aid program, how full-time and part-time students can get funding, and provides the forms for applying for student aid in Manitoba. Information on planning for the future is also available on Manitoba Student Aid, which is a great first step to exploring what is available to you, when to apply, what your options are for funding, and if you qualify for provincial funding. On the website, you can also use the “Loan Calculators,” which are designed to help you estimate how much your education may cost, how much you might receive from the government, and how much you might need to repay if you choose to take out a loan. The Manitoba Student Aid site map offers information on Indigenous Education, as well as financial aid training, and information for your parents or guardians. Information for students already attending higher education is also available on Manitoba Student Aid.

These resources are also helpful:

For a Manitoban-related inclusive resource that supports the transition planning process for students with learning disabilities, see Supporting Student Transition from School to Post-Secondary Education and Employment [PDF].


Government of Manitoba. (n.d.). Already in school? https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/already-in-school

Government of Manitoba. (n.d.). Manitoba student aid. https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/

Government of Manitoba. (n.d.). MYSAO. https://web.gov.mb.ca/sao/app/en/

Government of Manitoba. (n.d.). Planning for your future? https://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/msa/planning-for-your-future/


How to Cite this Chapter Using APA Style

*Nusselder, F., *Burrows, H. M. R., Giovannangeli, A. J., Armstrong, A. M., & Xu, Y. (2024). Manitoba. In Pay for post-secondary: A student’s guide for securing financial aid. Queen’s University, eCampus Ontario. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/payforpostsecondary/chapter/manitoba/

*denotes equal contributions as first authors



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Pay for Post-Secondary: A Student’s Guide for Securing Financial Aid Copyright © 2024 by Floor Nusselder; Hannah M. R. Burrows; Alyssa J. Giovannangeli; Adrianna M. Armstrong; and Yanxin Xu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.