
Nova Scotia

For students living in Nova Scotia, Student Assistance is provided through Nova Scotian Government’s Advanced Education Department. This website provides information on the Repayment Assistance Program, the available funding available each year to students, and information on loans and grants. Applications for funding through the government can be made through MyPATH Student Portal, where you can use your SIN to create an online account. Loans and grants available for full-time students are broken down by student eligibility based on the Government of Nova Scotia and Canada’s funding maximums. You will be informed whether you are eligible for grants or financial aid, as this depends on your financial need (e.g., students with lower household incomes).

Under the financing school tab, the Nova Scotian Government provides information on how Student Assistance helps students, what types of funding they provide, how funding is impacted by specific needs and resources, information on student loans and income tax, and several helpful calculators (e.g., a pre-study period calculator, how financial need is calculated, a currency conversion tool).

These resources are also helpful:

See the Options and Opportunities (O2) webpage for more information on the program that provides Nova Scotian students with experiences to help them prepare for the post-secondary transition.


Province of Nova Scotia. (n.d.). Nova Scotia Student Assistance Login. Novascotia.ca. https://lae.novascotia.ca/sans/StudentPortal/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fsans%2fstudentportal

Province of Nova Scotia. (n.d.). Loans and grants for full-time studies. Novascotia.ca. https://novascotia.ca/studentassistance/Apply/New/FundingAvailable.asp

Province of Nova Scotia (n.d.). Financing your education. Novascotia.ca. https://novascotia.ca/studentassistance/Financing/


How to Cite this Chapter Using APA Style

*Nusselder, F., *Burrows, H. M. R., Giovannangeli, A. J., Armstrong, A. M., & Xu, Y. (2024). Nova Scotia. In Pay for post-secondary: A student’s guide for securing financial aid. Queen’s University, eCampus Ontario. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. https://ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub/payforpostsecondary/chapter/nova-scotia/

*denotes equal contributions as first authors



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Pay for Post-Secondary: A Student’s Guide for Securing Financial Aid Copyright © 2024 by Floor Nusselder; Hannah M. R. Burrows; Alyssa J. Giovannangeli; Adrianna M. Armstrong; and Yanxin Xu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.