Additional Open-Access Resources

If you’re interested in furthering your learning, we have compiled a list of related open-access resources, organized by author’s last name, below. These resources have not been vetted as a part of this Guide, but we share them here as additional learning opportunities.

Resources for Student-Success

Transitioning to Post-Secondary

The following interactive[1] provides an overview of common questions students may have when transitioning to post-secondary, including ways to approach studying. The interactive has been retrieved from The Psychology Commons, a dynamic repository of open-access learning resources in Psychology.



University Success (2nd Edition)

  • Author(s): N. Mahoney, B. Klassen, M. D’Eon and L. Marken
  • This is an open-access book that helps students prepare for and navigate university life.
  • Note. This book is not finance-specific, but may help prepare for post-secondary more generally.
  • License: CC BY-NC-SA

College Success

  • Publisher: University of Minnesota
  • An open-access book that helps students prepare for and navigate college life.
  • Note. This book is not finance-specific, but may help prepare for post-secondary more generally.
  • License: CC BY-NC-SA

Resources for Personal Finance

International Students: Stories and Strategies for Academic Success in Post-secondary Education

  • Author(s): Y. Ali, R. Bhat, W. Xu, J. Hannah, & T. Ellis
  • A guide for helping international students transition to post-secondary education in Canada.
  • License: CC BY-NC-SA

Your Financial Toolkit

  • Author(s): Financial Consumer Agency of Canada
  • A financial literacy program with interactive resources that gives you the tools to manage your personal finances.

Fast Lane Education

  • Author(s): Global Financial Literacy Excellence Centre
  • An open-access database with financial education resources that can be used by students, teachers, parents and guardians, community members, school administrators, or policymakers.
  • Note. This book is targeted toward students in the United States, so not all content may be generalizable to a Canadian context.

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

  • An agency of the Government of Canada that protects the rights and interests of consumers and that offers various educational resources to help Canadians strengthen their financial literacy.


  • Author(s): Government of Canada
  • A list of undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships, awards, and bursaries.

Student Aid and Education Planning

  • Author(s): Government of Canada
  • Resources to help students plan for an education, save, budget, and explore student aid and career options.

Investing in Your Future

  • Author(s): Northern College
  • A downloadable PDF resource that introduces the concepts of banking, asset and liability management, as well as investments and risk management.
  • License: CC BY

Money and Youth: A Guide to Financial Literacy

  • Author(s): Gary Rabbior
  • A downloadable PDF resource that provides Canadian youth with a complete guide to navigating various finance-related topics.

Financial Empowerment: Personal Finance for Indigenous and Non-Indigenous People

  • Author(s): Bettina Schneider
  • This is an open-access book that seeks to provide Indigenous and non-Indigenous students in Canada with skills to help make financial decisions.
  • Note. The language in this book is targeted towards first- and second-year undergraduate students.
  • License: CC BY-NC-SA

Pension Finance and Management

  • Author(s): Rajeeva Sinha
  • This is an open-access repository that shares information aimed at equipping students with the skills to navigate their use of financial resources.
  • License: CC BY

Financial Management

  • Author(s): Dan Thompson
  • An open-access, module-based financial management resource.
  • Note. This resource is intended to supplement the teaching of undergraduate and graduate-level introductory and advanced financial management courses.
  • License: CC BY

  1. The Transition to Post-Secondary interactive was adapted from one originally created by Meghan Norris, Jefferey Wammes, and Sydney Grant, retrieved from The Psychology Commons, and shared under a CC BY-NC 4.0 licence.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Pay for Post-Secondary: A Student’s Guide for Securing Financial Aid Copyright © 2024 by Floor Nusselder; Hannah M. R. Burrows; Alyssa J. Giovannangeli; Adrianna M. Armstrong; and Yanxin Xu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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