
Navigating the Visual Editor

When writing and editing your book in Pressbooks, you can choose between a default “Visual Editor” which displays your content with shows you much of the styling and formatting you have applied or a “Text Editor” which displays the full HTML structure of your content without any CSS applied.

Use the Visual Editor

The visual editor is the default editor. It is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface that allows you to see styling and formatting as they are applied. This interface also includes a toolbar that the top of the editor. The visual editor toolbar displays all formatting options by default. You can collapse the second and third rows of tools by clicking the Toolbar toggle button (Shift + Alt + Z) and can move into a ‘Distraction-free writing mode’ by pressing ‘Shift + Alt + W’.

To shift focus to inline toolbar when an image, link, or preview is selected, press ‘Alt + F8`’ (fn + F8 on a Mac); to shift focus to the visual editor menu, press ‘Alt + F9’ (fn + F9 on a Mac); to shift focus to the visual editor toolbar, press ‘Alt + F10’ (fn + F10 on a Mac); and to shift focus to the elements path, press ‘Alt + F11’ (fn + F11 on a Mac). You can also view a set of Keyboard Shortcuts for various keys in the visual editor by pressing ‘Shift + Alt + H’.

Visual editor toolbar with tools numbered

Visual toolbar Options

Top row:

  1. Paragraph styles dropdown menu: choose from normal paragraph style (Shift + Alt + 7), six different heading styles (Shift + Alt + 1-6), or preformatted text
  2. Bold (Ctrl + B)
  3. Italics (Ctrl + I)
  4. Unordered (bulleted) list (Shift + Alt + U)
  5. Ordered (numbered) list (Shift + Alt + O)
  6. Blockquote (Shift + Alt + Q)
  7. Left-align (Shift + Alt + L)
  8. Center-align (Shift + Alt + C)
  9. Right-align (Shift + Alt + R)
  10. Link (Ctrl + K)
  11. Read more (Shift + Alt + T)
  12. Toolbar toggle (Shift + Alt + Z)

Second row:

  1. Formats dropdown menu: choose from several text indent and tracking options, as well as pullquote options
  2. Textboxes dropdown menu: choose from a variety of plain textboxes or predesign educational textboxes (read more here)
  3. Underline (Ctrl + U)
  4. Strikethrough (Shift + Alt + D)
  5. Horizontal line
  6. Justify (Shift + Alt + J)
  7. Text color
  8. Text background color
  9. Paste as text
  10. Clear formatting
  11. Special character
  12. Decrease indent
  13. Increase indent
  14. Undo (Ctrl + Z) and Redo (Ctrl + Y)
  15. Keyboard shortcuts guide (Shift + Alt + H)

Bottom row:

  1. Tables (read more here)
  2. Apply Class
  3. Anchor
  4. Superscript
  5. Subscript
  6. Code (Shift + Alt + X)
  7. Footnote[1]
  8. Convert Microsoft Word footnotes
  9. LaTeX shortcode
  10. Glossary Term

You can highlight a section of existing content and then click a tool on the toolbar to add formatting to that section. Alternatively, select the tool first, and then add new formatted content.

Use the Text Editor

You can also choose to work in a text editor, or switch to it as necessary as needed (to clean up messy HTML for example). The text editor allows you to directly view and edit your book’s HTML content as HTML.

Text Editor Options

The text editor toolbar offers fewer options, tailored to working in HTML. None of the buttons in the HTML editor have keyboard shortcuts, but their functionality is detailed below.

The text editor and its toolbar

  1. Open and close <strong> tags to make text bold (click once to open, and again to close the tag)
  2. Open and close <em> tags to make text italics
  3. Insert Link text (a pop up will appear)
  4. Insert <blockquote> tags
  5. Strikethrough text (<del> tags)
  6. Insert a date/time tag
  7. Insert an image (from URL)
  8. Insert an unordered (bulleted) list
  9. Insert a ordered (numbered) list
  10. Add list item
  11. Open and close <code> tags
  12. Insert a ‘Read More’ tag (<!--more-->)
  13. Close tags (automatically closes any open tags)
  14. Insert footnote shortcode

Edit Content with the Visual & Text Editors” from Pressbooks User Guide Copyright © 2024 by Pressbooks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

  1. This is an example of a footnote.


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Fanshawe OER Training Guide Copyright © 2024 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.