
Importing Existing Pressbooks Content

Clone an Existing Pressbook

There are several ways to add OER content from existing sources into Pressbooks. Take a moment to consider how much of a source you need to import. Use the Clone A Book tool to copy a book from another Pressbooks site.  If you’re not planning to use a whole book, use the import tool to take pages or sections.

  1. In the admin area of Pressbooks, you can click the Clone a Book.
  2. Add in the Source Book URL (the book you want to copy from)
  3. Add in the name of your new book URL and hit clone book.

Why use the Pressbooks import tool?

  • Maintain attribution, image metadata and other features from the source (if importing from another Pressbook)
  • Importing typically creates better source code than copying & pasting
  • Import multiple/specific sections of another Pressbook easily

Video: “How to Clone a Book” by Josie Gray CC BY

Import a Webpage

  1. Go to the admin area of Pressbooks and navigate to the import function
  2. Select the import type and source.

Import type: Webpage or Pressbooks webook (.html or URL)
Import source: Import from URL – you must paste in the URL here

  1. Click the checkbox next to the sections you want to import. Adjust the area where you want them to appear in your book
  2. Select any glossary terms that appear in the section you’re importing and add them (very bottom of the Select content to import screen
  3. Toggle whether or not you want the new content to show on the web immediately using the checkbox
  4. Return to the Organize screen to review what’s been imported and review.

Video: “How to Import a Webpage” by Josie Gray CC BY

Keeping Track of Sources

Keep notes about any significant modifications you make – e.g., changing photos, rewriting a paragraph or adding your content.

Importing Existing Pressbooks Content” from GC Library OER Design Studio – Training – Work-in-Progress by Jen Booth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Modifications: reworded and added in screenshots.


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Fanshawe OER Training Guide Copyright © 2024 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.