Team Roles

Photo by M.J. Idzerda CC-BY-NC-SA

OER development projects involve working with the OER Design Studio team and relying on each member’s expertise and contribution. The roles that each team member plays are outlined below.

Review the OER Design Studio introduction page to meet the OER Design Team team.


Project Lead Provides the day-to-day management of the Studio and manages the team workload. Meets with all SMEs to discuss the viability of project ideas. Also responsible for managing and communicating progress on projects.
Faculty Design Lead
Works with SMEs and assists in developing content and ensuring the quality of published work. Supports pedagogical decisions.
Instructional Designer Works with SMEs and supports instructional design students. Builds content and conducts quality assurance reviews.
Graphic Design Student
Sources and creates images to be used in OERs.
Instructional Design Students
Works with SMEs to build content, ensuring accessibility and copyright.
Ancillary Resource Students
Search and create supplementary content such as slide decks.

SME – subject matter expert

Role Expectations

The expectations of the Studio and SME on a project can be found in the following drop-downs.



The Studio team members will:

  • Provide resources or direct faculty to the librarians for support with research.
  • Format content in Pressbooks based on the work provided.
  • Suggest openly licensed images or create images where needed based on a design submitted by the faculty.
  • Create graphs or tables based on the data provided.
  • Provide resources or direct faculty to support with referencing and attributions
Subject Matter Expert (Faculty or Staff)

The SME will:

  • Identify gaps in content or topic areas that require additional research.
  • Provide content weekly per the Project Plan for formatting in Pressbooks.
  • Provide suggestions for graphics and images.
  • Provide data for any graphs that need to be developed.
  • Add references for copyright works used in APA format, and provide proper citations.
  • Create chapter summaries.
  • Create a key terms list, or review list generated by the Studio.


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Fanshawe OER Development Guide Copyright © 2023 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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