
H5P: What, Why, and When

H5P is a free, open-source tool that allows users to create web-based interactive learning activities. ​​It is a plug-in that allows users to create interactive content in an existing authoring platform (WordPress, Pressbooks or through an LTI with a Learning Management System- FOL).  H5P stands for HTML5 Package, the latest version of the standard markup language used to structure and present content on the web.

The best way to learn about H5P is to explore the many content types. The following section provides examples of the different content types available.  It is essential not to use it just because it exists – but to consider how it will serve you in your teaching and learning context.

Why create H5P?

There are some powerful reasons to create H5P for Pressbooks:

  • Help students achieve chapter learning objectives. Each interactive will deepen a student’s understanding of the key terms, skills, or concepts that guide the chapter.
  • Give students more opportunities to check comprehension. Learner interaction, discovery, and agency allow students to shift from passive to active learners. Interactives in the text reinforce and interleave content, supporting new learning pathways.
  • Increase the relevance and overall appeal of the Pressbook. Future educators and adopters look for built-in student interaction.

When to Use H5P

Everyone’s teaching and learning contexts are different – but one aspect that rings true for all is we don’t want to overcomplicate or introduce elements when they don’t have a purpose. When considering using H5P for your course or resource, evaluate whether it supports the following key principles:

  1. The H5P aligns with the intended learning outcomes
  2. The H5P provides an opportunity to incorporate multimedia (multiple modes) to help manage cognitive load during learning.
  3. The H5P allows learners to engage with the content – supporting active learning.

The following chart will help you consider how you might use H5P for various teaching and learning purposes.

Tools for Formative Assessment

Multiple Choice
Fill in the Blanks
Mark the Words
Drag and Drop
Question Sets
Interactive Video
Image Sequencing

Tools for Unit/Content Review

Course Presentation
Question Sets
Multiple Choice
Dialog Cards

Tools for Multimedia Integration Interactive Videos
Branching Scenario
Image Hotspots
Tools for Student Submissions* Questionnaire
Audio Recorder
Documentation Tool
Tools for Knowledge Application Branching Scenario

* This only includes the H5P content types where students can submit text/media. Students creating and submitting H5P content types they have authored is a valuable open pedagogy assignment!

Difficulty Levels

You should also consider the difficulty for you to create an H5P as well as the cognitive effort for your learners to use.

A matrix with 4 quadrants detailing the levels of difficulty with various H5P
Slide 7” from Intro to H5P for Mohawk College by Peggy French,  CC-BY-NC-SA. Adapted by eCampus Ontario (colour change).
Image Long Description

A matrix with 4 quadrants. The top left represents less info and less time to create which includes the following H5P content types: Accordion, Find the Words, Drag and Drop, Drag the Words, Flashcards, Mark the Words, Dialog Cards, True or False, Fill in the Blanks, Arithmetic Quiz. The bottom left quadrant represents less info but more time to create which includes: Summary, Dictation, Image Hotspots, Agamatto, Essay, Audio Recording and Collage.

The top right quadrant represents more info and less time to create and includes a Question Set, Memory Game, Image Slider, Chart, Multiple Choice and Documentation Tool. The right side bottom quadrant represents more info and more time to create and includes Virtual Tour, Timeline, Branching Scenario, Image Pairing, Interactive Video, Interactive Book and Image Sequencing.

When to use H5P” from Mastering Open Ed: Licensing, Accessibility, Creation, and Publishing OER Copyright © 2023 by eCampusOntario is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

Meaningful Student Interaction with H5P” by Veronica Vold for Open Oregon Educational Resources is licensed CC BY 4.0.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

H5P: What, Why, and When Copyright © 2023 by Fanshawe College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.