Appendix 1: Learning Objectives Guide
Cognitive Domain |
KnowledgeRemembering previously learned material |
→ Simple to Complex → |
ComprehensionGrasping the meaning of the knowledge being learned and being able to paraphrase or explain it |
ApplicationUsing learned information and materials |
AnalysisBreaking material down into its elements so that its organizational structure may be understood |
SynthesisCombining previous experience with new material to form a structure |
EvaluationJudging or calculating the quality, importance, amount, or value of something |
Affective Domain |
ReceivingAwareness, willingness to receive, and controlled attention |
→ Simple to Complex → |
RespondingCompliance in reacting to a suggestion, willingness to respond, and satisfaction in response |
ValuingAcceptance of a value as a belief, indication of preference for the value, and commitment |
OrganizingConceptualization of a value in abstract or symbolic terms and organization of value system |
CharacterizationActing consistently in accordance with the values one has. |
Psychomotor Domain |
ImitationThe learner observes and then imitates an action. The expectation is that the individual is able to watch and then repeat an action. |
→ Simple to Complex → |
ManipulationThe action verbs are the same as Imitation stage, but the performance of an action is guided by written or verbal directions. |
PrecisionRequires performance of some action independent of either written instructions or a visual model. |
ArticulationRequires the display of coordination of a series of related acts by establishing the appropriate sequence and performing the acts accurately (i.e. control, speed, and timing) |
CharacterizationActing consistently in accordance with the values one has. |