
The material on the following sites is important and should be read either before or after the text in this section.

On Building

Stephen Ramsay


This article is a short response by Stephen Ramsay, English Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, to criticism he received from his position paper delivered at the 2011 Modern Language Association (MLA) conference.  The paper, entitled “Who’s In and Who’s Out” underscored the “push/pull” mechanisms in the digital humanities.  Among other topics, the paper emphasized the need for digital humanists to have some degree of programming experience for the purpose of “building”.

Read: On Building

Some Things To Think About Before You Exhort Everyone To Code

Mirian Posner

February 29, 2012

University of California, Los Angeles digital humanities scholar Miriam Posner offers an alternative view to the argument that “learning to code” is an essential skill for digital humanists.

Read: Some Things To Think About Before You Exhort Everyone To Code



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