

To incorporate a newborn virtual simulation based scenario as means to provide undergraduate nursing students with an opportunity to practice and manage the scenario of respiratory distress in a newborn and critically analyse the progression of altered respiratory status. The user, upon completion, will be receive an overview of a simple clinical pathway and begin to understand the value of clinical pathways in the clinical setting.


Case Scenario:

Elijah is a 39+1 week large for gestational age male neonate born in a community hospital at 1330h and will be transferred to the postpartum unit at 1500h. Elijah’s 32-year-old mother, Sascha, received prenatal care and was followed by a midwife throughout pregnancy prior to delivery by an obstetrician. Sascha is a G2P1. Sascha experienced gestational diabetes during this pregnancy which was diet controlled. Baby Elijah was born naturally by rapid natural vaginal delivery. Sascha GBS status is unknown. Sascha did not receive any pain medications during delivery. Sascha indicates she hasn’t been taking any medications at home and indicates no recreational drug use. Elijah received Vitamin K and erythromycin as per protocol. APGARS were 7 and 9. Elijah was not vigorous at birth and required oral suctioning and vigorous stimulation.


You are the on-coming nurse and will be accepting the transfer of baby Elijah from labour and delivery to your post-partum unit and are required to take a telephone SBAR report.


Scenario time limit:

30 minutes


Scenario debriefing time limit:

40 Minutes

How to navigate through the simulation:

To ensure that you do not skip any sections, please use the navigation links at the very bottom of your window to move forward and backward.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Newborn Simulation Copyright © by Kelly Hudder R.N., M.Sc.N. and Kathryn Bushuk R.N., M.N. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.