Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reflection on AI Use

Effective integration of AI demands an ongoing analysis of its impact. This section discusses the importance of monitoring, evaluation, and reflection, guiding educators and researchers in assessing and fine-tuning their use of AI tools.

This section has four chapters:

Defining Success

This chapter includes a series of exercises designed to help define what success looks like when using AI. These activities aim to help identify measurable objectives, such as enhancing student engagement, improving learning outcomes, deepening research insights, or streamlining administrative tasks. The chapter encourages readers to consider quantitative metrics like grades and participation rates, and qualitative measures like student feedback and innovation in research.

Evaluating Impact

This chapter builds on the initial exercises introduced in earlier sections of this guide, and focuses on evaluating the impact of AI in education. It includes a range of research questions and methodologies to measure the impact of AI on teaching and research.

Addressing BIG questions

This chapter includes prompts to consider impact of AI (pedagogically, ethically, and socially). Designed to spark in-depth discussions, this activity aims to guide educators towards informed, responsible, and innovative applications of AI in academic and research settings.

AI Metaphors

This final chapter draws inspiration from the article by Anuj Gupta et al., which explores the use of metaphors to understand AI. It discusses the importance of developing “critical AI literacy,” focusing on the ethical and equitable use of tools like ChatGPT.


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The Curious Educator’s Guide to AI Copyright © 2024 by Paul R MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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