Understanding Your Needs

An important step in considering the use of AI in education is to identify your needs and areas of curiosity you wish to explore. This section includes guidance and exercises designed to help you pinpoint these areas, and set a direction for your use of AI.

This section is divided into 3 chapters.

Identifying Your Problem or Curiosity

This first chapter explores the importance of having a goal when considering how you will work with AI tools. The exercises here are designed to help you articulate challenges or areas of curiosity where AI might offer solutions. This chapter focusses on identifying your needs, thereby setting the stage for intentional and effective use of AI.

Aligning with Values and Vision

The activities in this chapter can help you align your use of AI with your goals and educational objectives. This alignment can ensure that the introduction of AI into your work is meaningful, responsible, and respectful of your educational setting, your teaching philosophy and your approach to research.

Intention Setting

This chapter discusses the importance of being intentional in your adoption of AI tools. The questions presented here are meant to prompt reflection, helping you clarify your intentions for using AI. By engaging with this activity, we hope that you will be able to establish a clear, purposeful path for integrating AI into your work, ensuring that it contributes positively to your overall goals.


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The Curious Educator’s Guide to AI Copyright © 2024 by Paul R MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Excellence in Teaching is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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