Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reflection on AI Use

AI Metaphors

The article, “Assistant, Parrot, or Colonizing Loudspeaker? ChatGPT Metaphors for Developing Critical AI Literacies” by Anuj Gupta et al, focuses on understanding AI through metaphors. It emphasizes the need for “critical AI literacy” to consider the ethical, equitable, and accessible use of AI.

They discuss the concept of “metaphor reflection”, which involves examining how commonly-used metaphors influence our understanding, attitudes, and relationship with tools. Inspired by this article, the reflective exercise below encourages you to critically engage with these metaphors to help refine your understanding of the capabilities, limitations, and implications of AI.

Note that this activity could be adjusted to be completed in small groups. Groups can work as a team to come up with new AI metaphors. Each group then presents their metaphors and discusses them with other groups. Together, groups can explore how their metaphors might apply in real-world scenarios.


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