
3.1.4 – SN1 vs SN2

Comparison Between SN1 and SN2 Reactions

This past chapter has taught us the basic concepts about SN1 and SN2 reactions. There are some similarities between the two reactions. For example, both SN1 and SN2 are substitution reactions where an electrophile is subject to nucleophilic attack. The electrophile contains a carbon centre with a positive or partial positive charge, such as a carbocation or an alkyl halide. Another similarity between SN1 and SN2 reactions is the nucleophile, which has a lone pair of electrons to donate to the electrophilic carbon atom. The nucleophile could be a halide, a hydroxide or alkoxide, water or an alcohol, among others. Another similarity between SN1 and SN2 is the leaving group, which must leave to allow for the nucleophile and electrophile to react. This will result in a functional group “switch” or substitution.

Despite those similarities, there are many differences between the two. Below is a table summarizing the key differences. Try making your own table or summary to help with your understanding.

Rate Law Rate = k[Alkyl Halide] Rate = k[Nucleophile]x[Alkyl Halide]
Mechanism Multiple steps; dissociative One step; concerted
Presence of an Intermediate? Yes (Carbocation) No
Reaction Diagram An energy profile diagram for Sn1 reactions, with potential energy as the y-axis and reaction progress on the x-axis. It has 2 peaks and one trough to indicate the transition states and intermediate respectively, almost shaped like a camel’s back, or a mountain with a valley in between to create 2 peaks An energy profile diagram for Sn2 reactions, with potential energy as the y-axis and reaction progress on the x-axis. There is a red bell-shaped curve taking up the entire graph.
Electrophilic Substrate tertiary 3˚ > secondary 2˚ >  primary 1˚ and methyl primary 1˚ and methyl > secondary 2˚ > tertiary 3˚
Reason for Preference Electron density stabilization Steric effect
Alternative Reactions
  • Alcohol formation (water nucleophile)
  • Ether formation (alcohol nucleophile)
  • Alcohol formation (hydroxide nucleophile)
  • Ether formation (alkoxide nucleophile)
  • Ester formation (carboxylate nucleophile)
Nucleophile Typically involves neutral nucleophiles such as water Typically involves anionic nucleophiles like hydroxide
Note: While an SN1 reaction involving alkyl halides is a two-step process, the formation of alcohols and ethers requires an extra-step, since the nucleophiles used are neutral, and deprotonation is required. Therefore, depending on the nucleophile used, an SN1 reaction can be a two or three-step process.

The best way to determine the order of reactivity based on electrophilic substrate is whether the carbon bonded to the halogen is more substituted, or less substituted. If a carbon atom is said to be more substituted, it is bonded to less hydrogen atoms, and more substituents, such as other carbon chains. SN1 reactions favour more substituted carbons due to electron density stabilization. If a carbon atom is said to be less substituted, it is bonded to more hydrogen atoms, and less substituents. SN2 reactions favour less substituted carbons due to sterics 

The Choice of Reaction Pathway: SN1 or SN2?

The reaction pathway predominantly depends on the nature of the substrate (primary, secondary, or tertiary), as shown in Figure 3.1.4.a.


Comparing tertiary and primary/methyl substrates. Tertiary substrate is more likely to undergo Sn1 as it has a more stable carbocation intermediate and more sterically hindered to nucleophilic attack. Methyl/primary substrate are more likely to undergo Sn2 as it is a less stable carbocation intermediate and less sterically hindered to nucleophilic attack.
Figure 3.1.4.a. SN1 and SN2 prevalence based on the nature of the substrate.
  • Primary and methyl substrates predominantly undergo SN2 reactions.
  • Tertiary substrates will undergo an SN1 process.
  • The reaction of secondary substrates mainly relies on the conditions applied (which will be further discussed in year 2 organic chemistry).

(The full solution to this problem can be found in Chapter 5.2)


The following video includes a worked example from a previous CHEM 1AA3 test or exam that students struggled with. Try solving it on your own before looking at the solution.

Key terms in this chapter:
Key term Definition
Dissociative A mechanism where bonds are broken and formed in multiple steps. This is typically seen when a neutral nucleophile attacks a sterically hindered electrophile, with the first step being the loss of a leaving group followed by a nucleophilic attack (SN1 reaction).
Concerted A mechanism in which bonds are broken and formed simultaneously, occurring all in one step. This is typically seen when an anionic nucleophile attacks an electrophile that is not sterically hindered (such as in SN2 reactions).
More substituted Refers to a carbon atom that is bonded to less hydrogen atoms and more substituents, such as other carbon atoms. SN1 reactions favour more substituted carbons.
Less substituted Refers to a carbon atom that is bonded to more hydrogen atoms and less substituents. SN2 reactions favour less substituted carbons.

Study Notes


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Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology for the Students by the Students! (and the Profs...) Copyright © 2023 by Emma Abreu; Anumta Amir; Anthony Chibba; Jim Ghoshdastidar; Sharonna Greenberg; Angela Liang; Layla Vulgan; and Shuoyang Wang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.