

Land Acknowledgement

We wish to acknowledge Indigenous peoples for their contributions as we work towards reconciliation by learning about the people, the land, and traditional territories on which we work and reside. Conestoga College is located on the traditional territory of the Anishnawbe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples. Fanshawe College is located on the traditional lands and waterways of the Anishinaabe, Haudenoshaunee, and Lenape people.


We wish to acknowledge and thank the following list of people who supported and participated in this project.

Leadership Teams

Conestoga College ITAL

Barbara Kelly PhD, Vice-President of Academic/Student Affairs/Human Resources and Research

Gary Hallam MSc., Vice President, International & Executive Dean School of Business, School of Hospitality & Culinary Art

Michelle Grimes PhD, Dean School of Business

Jeff Fila PhD, Director of Special Projects

James Boesch CPA, CMA, M.Ed., Chair School of Business

Fanshawe College CAAT

Mary Pierce BA MA (ED), Dean, Faculty of Business, Information Technology, Part-time Studies, London South Campus, Acting Associate Dean – Lawrence Kinlin School of Business

Lisa Schwerzmann BA MA, Associate Dean of the Lawrence Kinlin School of Business, Fanshawe College CAAT

Peer Reviewer

Kevin Hollis MBA, BSc, PMP, Conestoga College ITAL for providing a peer review and development of ancillaries.

Support Teams

Holly Ashbourne, Hon. BA, MLIS Conestoga College ITAL, liaison to accessibility and library supports, for providing a final review, and countless support with Pressbooks technology through workshops, diving into Pressbooks to have a look, and answer numerous questions.

Erjona Ferizi, our OER Projects Assistant, who on her co-op from the Bachelor of Public Relations program at Conestoga College ITAL provided ongoing administrative support, coordinated events, and completed extensive first-line copy edits, accessibility checks, labelling multiple images and participating in content creation.

James Yochem, Hon. BA, MLIS  Copyright Coordinator, Conestoga College ITAL for answering numerous copyright and copy edit questions.

Kimberlee Carter, BEd., MA, Open Educational Resources (OER) projects consultant, Conestoga College ITAL for spearheading this OER project and keeping us on track.

Antonina Gousseva, BA, Dipl. LIT, Conestoga College ITAL for ensuring this resource met all accessibility requirements.

Juliet Conlon, MLS, Conestoga College ITAL for support in searching out existing OER.

Elan Paulson, PhD, Teaching and Learning Consultant Conestoga College ITAL for providing consultations on design for learning.


We have done our best to acknowledge all participants involved and with correct job titles and credentials. In the event, we have made an error please reach out to any one of the authors to have this corrected.


Conestoga Open Learning department logo in black with a vertical alignment.

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Introduction to Logistics Copyright © 2022 by Robert Adzija and co-author name removed by request is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.