
Meet the ELI Team

Who’s Who in the English Language Institute Team

We share an office space with one of our sister schools, The English Language Institute (ELI).

ELI primarily offers the English for Academic Purposes program (EAP), which is a full-time program designed for both international and domestic students (Canadian citizens and permanent residents). Fanshawe’s EAP program provides a direct route from English language learning to post-secondary studies with no further language testing required.

The EAP program includes 10 eight-week levels (two EAP levels per college semester) delivered by 15 full-time and 20+ part-time professors. Students start at the level indicated by their placement test. In order to progress to the next EAP level, students must achieve a minimum of 70%.

Meet the ELI Team

Danielle Freitas

Danielle Freitas

Associate Dean

email: dfreitas@fanshawec.ca

Monica Venegas

Monica Venegas

Divisional Assistant

email: mvenegas@fanshawec.ca

Claire Marin

Claire Marin

ELI Coordinator

email: c_marin@fanshawec.ca

Hongfang Yu

ELI Coordinator

email: hyu@fanshawec.ca

Brad Burnett

TES2 Program and Language Support Courses Coordinator

email: bburnett@fanshawec.ca

Milad Zecharia

ELI/EST Tech Support

email: mZzecharia@fanshawec.ca

Gerry Drabick

Student Integration Facilitator

email: g_drabick@fanshawec.ca

ESL Technologist



email: name@fanshawec.ca


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