
Quick Reference Guide

What is the Purpose of Assessment in Online Learning?

Assessment is the process of gathering, analyzing, and communicating information about learners’ progress toward and achievement of identified learning outcomes.

Instructors use assessment information to provide learners with timely, actionable feedback on their progress and performance, as well as to adjust and improve teaching practices. Assessment is more than assigning grades – along with feedback, assessment is an integral part of the learning experience designed to promote success.

Benefits of Assessment in Online Learning

In online learning, assessment has several unique benefits, such as (Seneca College et al., 2022):

  • online assessments provide flexibility and convenience for both learners and instructors;
  • learners can often complete online assessments at their own pace and in their own space;
  • learners can participate in online group projects that promote collaboration and peer feedback;
  • some online assessments can provide learners with immediate, automated feedback and grades;
  • instructors can access and grade assessments from anywhere and at any time; and
  • online assessments can be more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than in-person assessments.

Challenges of Assessment in Online Learning

Despite the benefits of assessment in online learning, there are some challenges instructors should be aware of (Seneca College et al., 2022):

  • online learners may not fully understand assessment requirements, grading criteria, and submission procedures;
  • learners with time-management issues may struggle to complete assessments on time;
  • online assessments can be particularly vulnerable to academic integrity issues such as plagiarism or cheating;
  • in asynchronous online courses, instructors can’t base assessments on real-time observations and conversations with learners;
  • providing personalized feedback on online assessments can be time-consuming and cumbersome for instructors;
  • differences in learners’ schedules, time zones, and technology access can make it hard for them to participate in online assessments;
  • online tests and exams may require proctoring; and
  • learners with disabilities may have difficulty accessing and participating in online assessments.

How Can I Design and Implement Effective Assessments for Online Learners?

Assessment provides a means to promote learning in both discipline-specific and transferrable knowledge, skills, and attitudes, which opens the door to a variety of assessment strategies through which learners can demonstrate their abilities. When designing and implementing online assessments, the following six (6) practices of assessment design will foster learning and success in the online context.


Set and communicate transparent learning goals for each assessment


Provide opportunities for learners to demonstrate knowledge and skills in different ways


Create relevant, engaging assessments that connect to real-world behaviours


Incorporate timely, meaningful action


Make assignments easy to manage and success-oriented


Be intentional about community and learner input


TIP: Assessment serves two primary purposes in teaching and learning: formative and summative.

Formative assessments are improvement-oriented, ungraded, or lower-stakes assessments of learning that occur while learners are developing their knowledge and skills. Formative assessments inform instructors about the effectiveness of their teaching and provide ongoing feedback to learners about what they know and have yet to learn.

  • Examples of formative assessments include polls, formative quizzes, self-reflection, and peer assessments.

Summative assessments are higher stakes, graded assessments of performance at the end of a learning unit. Summative assessments evaluate, or judge, how well learners have met learning outcomes as measured against a set of performance standards.

  • Examples of summative assessments include mid-term tests, essays, presentations, and final exams.

Source: Ministry of Education. (2010). Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools: First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12. Province of Ontario. https://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/policyfunding/growsuccess.pdf

Let’s Review

Let’s review some key assessment terms.

Now, let’s consider how to design and implement practical online assessments in a blended or online course. Which strategies should you use to support your students’ success in online assessments? (Check all that apply.)

Additional Resources

The following are additional resources for this topic:


This guide has been reproduced from content found in Module 4: Assessment in Online Environments, in the Online Teaching Fundamentals Micro-credential course by eCampus Ontario and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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